CI Paul Knighton receives his Certificate of Appointment from the Sqn CO. Paul joined the sqn in July 2010, working his way up the ranks achieving the most senior rank, Cadet Warrant Officer in
Recent presentations
Cadet Bethany Hobson is presented with a Good Show Award By Air Vice Marshall Turner, for Volunteering for the Sqn drill team with no practice and doing an excellent Job.
Other Presentations
Air Vice Marshall Turner and the CO went on to make some other presentations
Sgt Ffion Mitchell
Sgt Mitchell receives her Wing blue, awarded for representing the Wing at Javelin in Regional competition.
F/Sgt Alex Nelson
F/Sgt nelson being presented with his Blue gliding wings.
Sgt Justin Thorpe
Sgt Thorpe being presented with an Engraved Tankard by the CO on his "retirement" as a cadet.